Tuesday, April 7, 2020

COVID-19 Update#19

Important medical update:

It has become increasingly clear over the past week that a sizable percentage of patients who have been rendered immobile by COVID for many days are at very high risk for clot formation. These clots commonly form in the veins of the legs or thighs. These clots may cause symptoms such as pain or swelling, or they may be asymptomatic, but present a very real risk of travelling to the lungs (pulmonary embolism). Sick patients who have had a lengthy illness appear to be prone to clots forming in other areas of the body as well. 

This process is potentially preventable using at home injection therapy or possibly oral drug therapy. Early initiation of such therapy may prevent and/or treat clot formation and the serious complications thereof.

Patients returning from hospital, who are still not recovered, may also be particularly prone to this complication.

In light of the above important information, if you have been sick with COVID and this has caused you to become immobilized, or you are experiencing unexplained painful swelling of the legs, chest pain, rapid pulse, or shortness of breath, then you must make urgent contact with your medical provider and discuss initiation of those therapies described above. 

The decision to start these therapies is not taken lightly, and particular consideration is needed for patients with underlying bleeding disorders or on other blood thinning medicine. If you have been initiated on injection therapy (Lovenox), make sure to check with your medical provider concerning followup blood tests that may be necessary.

- The Gedaliah Society, in conjunction with Dr. Rosen